We are looking forward to our time together tomorrow morning. Our service will begin at 9:30 a.m. as usual. We will be meeting in a different manner as you already know. There will not be a gathering at the church, but we will be gathering online in our own homes. At 9:30 a.m. tomorrow, you will be able to click the link below that will connect you with the church’s YouTube page. Once you are there, you can subscribe to our page (more instructions below). As for the time being, this is how we are going to be meeting on Sunday mornings.

We want to remind you about online giving. E-transfers can be sent to: calvarybaptistsioux@gmail.com. Please don’t forget to put your offering envelope number in the comment section.

Below is the link for the live stream this Sunday. Click this link below to get access to the live broadcasting of our message.


Once you are on the church’s YouTube page, you will see a large C, click that C and you will see a row of tabs under the church name across the top of the screen. Click Playlists and that will direct you to the worship songs we can sing together. We would encourage you to click the red Subscribe button in the top right corner of the screen so you can follow all of our activity. Just a reminder, our start time will be at 9:30 a.m. If you are having technical difficulties, please call Leanne at 738-0045.

Leanne Krahn