Why join a Cell Group?
Good Reason No. 1Sometimes we can feel lost in the crowd at church ... but not in a Cell Group! Building relationships in a Cell Group is one of the best ways to make a big church feel warm and personal. On a Sunday morning, you'll never get to know everyone, but in a Cell Group you can.
Good Reason No. 2
A Cell Group will provide you with a group of like-minded people who want to Do Life Together with you! Your Cell Group will become like family-a "home" away from home. As you build relationships in your group, you'll find that you won't want to stand- alone any longer. Many people involved in Cell Groups are sharing their lives and going through the ups and downs of life together.
Good Reason No. 3
A Cell Group will challenge you to grow spiritually. You will receive encouragement and be challenged as you do life together with those in your Cell Group. You will grow as you study and pray together and within this face-to-face context, you can be sharpened spiritually "as iron sharpens iron."
Good Reason No. 4
You will be able to make a difference in the lives of other people. When we merely receive from others, we can enjoy only half of what the Christian life can offer. The Christian life can be much fuller when each person begins to use his or her spiritual gifts to serve God and others. By simply responding to real needs of real people in your Cell Group, you can make a difference in their lives.
Any questions about Cell Groups? Email Carter Krahn on this page or call him at the church: (807) 737-3293.